CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Branches * Sub modules * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Troubleshooting * FAQ INTRODUCTION ------------ This module integrates the wonderful Owl Carousel slider built by OwlFonk. The primary module is comprised of three sub modules providing a views style, field formatter & administration UI. BRANCHES -------- * 1.x For Owl Carousel library 1.x * 2.x For Owl Carousel library 2.x SUB MODULES ----------- * Owl Carousel Views Provides Drupal Views integration. * Owl Carousel Fields Provides a Drupal field formatter. * Owl Carousel UI Provides an administration user interface for Owl Carousel variables. REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires the following contrib modules: * Views ( * Variable ( * jQuery Update ( INSTALLATION ------------ * Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal module. See: for further information. * Download the Owl Carousel library from * Place the library in the appropriate directory E.G. sites/all/libraries/owl-carousel sites/all/libraries/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js sites/all/libraries/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.min.js sites/all/libraries/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css sites/all/libraries/owl-carousel/owl.theme.css sites/all/libraries/owl-carousel/owl.transitions.css CONFIGURATION ------------- * Owl Carousel settings can be found at admin/config/user-interface/owlcarousel. * Settings are defined as groups and may be applied to any number of carousel instances. * Once you have configured your settings; create a new view & select Owl Carousel as the display format. * Finally select the desired settings group. * See for instructions with images =). TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- * If you are receiving this error, TypeError: t.$ is undefined. Please change your jQuery version to 1.8, this is required until the patch below is merged into Owlcarousel. @ref,