Insert is a utility that makes inserting images and links to files into text areas or WYSIWYGs much easier. It adds a simple JavaScript-based button to File and Image fields. Images may be inserted into text areas with a specific Image style. Insert was written by Nate Haug. This Module Made by Robots: Dependencies ------------ Insert module does not have any dependencies, but it won't do anything unless you have at least one File or Image field configured on your site. Both of these fields are provided by Drupal core. Recommended ----------- * WYSIWYG module Install ------- 1) Copy the insert folder to the modules folder in your installation. Usually this is sites/all/modules. 2) In your Drupal site, enable the module under Administer -> Modules (/admin/modules). 3) Add or configure a File or Image field under Administer -> Structure -> Content types -> [type] -> Manage Fields (admin/structure/types/manage/[type]/fields). Once configuring a field, there is a new section in the Field options for "Insert". You can then configure the field to include an Insert button and what templates you would like to have. 4) Create a piece of content with the configured field. After uploading a file, an "Insert" button will appear. Click this button to send the file or image into the Body field. Insert should work on multiple fields (the last field that was active will receive the file), and with most popular WYSIWYG editors. Theming ------- Insert can be configured to work with non-HTML filters like BBCode or Markdown. To do this, copy the template file you would like to change from the "templates" directory to your active theme's directory. Then empty your Drupal caches at admin/config/development/performance. The Image templates may also be used per Image style. You can copy the image-insert-image.tpl.php file to your theme directory and then rename it to image-insert-image--[style-name].tpl.php, where [style-name] is the name of the Image style. Change underscores to hyphens in the style name.