40% of box width:
multiple identical images jpg:
multiple identical images gif (will be recoded to png by dompdf):
multiple identical images png:
local png image with alpha channel:
For external images to work, the following configuration is required:
dompdf_config.inc.php :
define("DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE", true);
external png Image with alpha channel:
external image, dynamically created with id in url parameter at end of parameter(.jpg):
external image, dynamically created with id in url parameter not at end of parameter (.jpg):
external Image without file extension (.jpg):
- no-repeat position:default image:url(http://www.dokuwiki.org/lib/images/fileicons/html.png) [image remote]
- no-repeat position:default image:url(images/png.png) [image in subfolder]
- no-repeat position:default image:url(html.png) [image in same folder]
- no-repeat position:default image:url(html.png) [image in same folder]
Added very long description, to see if non repeating background image is repeated after a line break.
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
For absolute image references to work, the file (dompdf)/www/test/images/smiley.png must be copyied exactly to (virtual web server root)/absimagetest/smiley.png
- no-repeat position:default image:url(/absimagetest/smiley.png) [abs image ]
paragraph link no-repeat position:default
paragraph text no-repeat position:left-top; more text text more text text bla bla sdfjkhs sdfsjksdfks sdfkjsfsf skjfh ksjdfhsd
paragraph text no-repeat position:left-center; more text text more text text bla bla sdfjkhs sdfsjksdfks sdfkjsfsf skjfh ksjdfhsd
The PHP 5 HTML to PDF converter