SUMMARY - Google Place Autocomplete =================================== Google Place Autocomplete module is a addon to field API which is providing the new field widget & field formetters. REQUIREMENTS ------------- All dependencies of this module are enabled by default in Drupal 8.x. INSTALLATION ------------- Install this module as usual. Please see USAGE ------- To use this module: * Add a text field by using drupal field API. * Go to 'Manage form display' & select the widget type 'Place Autocomplete'. * For Dynamic Map, Go to 'Manage Display' & select the format 'Google Map'. click on the configuration link icon & manage the Map CONFIGURATION -------------- Global module settings can be found at /admin/config/place/settings. * Select country from dropdown if requirement is based on country. * Generate Google Map API key and add it. SUPPORT -------- Use the issue queue to report bugs or request support: