Image module installation instructions 1.) Copy this directory to a suitable modules directory, such as sites/all/modules 2.) Enable the module at: Administer > Site building > Modules 3.) Configure the module settings at: Administer > Site configuration > Image 4.) Configure cron if you didn't do so already to have your temporary upload directory cleaned up. See for detailed instructions. 5.) To reduce load on your site from robots and to reduce duplicate content from getting into the search engine, you can add the following line to your robots.txt file in the root of your Drupal installation: Disallow: /*size= Note: wildcards may not be supported by all search engines. Confirm whether it will work for search engines important to you. Image Gallery module installation instructions 1.) Enable the Image Gallery module at: Administer > Site building > Modules 2.) Create albums at: Administer > Content management > Image galleries Image Attach module installation instructions 1.) Enable the Image Attach module at: Administer > Site building > Modules 2.) Configure Image attach at: Administer > Site configuration > Image attach 3.) For each content type that you want to be able to attach images to, go to: Administer > Content management > Content types > Edit and review the Image attach settings for that content type. Image Import module installation instructions 1.) Enable the Image Import module at: Administer > Site building > Modules 2.) Define the server directory that Image import will use at: Administer > Site configuration > Image > Image import 3.) Decide what roles can use Image import at: Administer > User management > Permissions ImageMagick toolkit installation instructions 1.) If ImageMagick is installed, copy to Drupal's includes/ directory 2.) Enable and configure the toolkit at: Administer > Site configuration > Image toolkit 3.) Optionally enable the module ImageMagick Advanced Options at: Administer > Site building > Modules Once enabled, this module will add more conversion options at: Administer > Site configuration > Image toolkit suPHP notes 1.) If suPHP is used, either use the private download method or change the umask in /etc/suphp.conf to be 0000, as opposed to 0077. Please be aware of the security repercussions in doing this.